There are 2 sizes for photocopies, 8 1/2 X 11 (LETTER) and 8 1/2 x 14 (LEGAL). Copies can be made in black or color ink.
These fees are charged for all copies (computer copies, fax copies, and microfilm copies in black/white).
Send and receive faxes via our fax machine! The cover sheet is free. To receive a fax, please have the sender include the name and phone number of the person who is to receive it. New fee, effective August 17, 2015: The fax fee is $2.00/1st page and .50c/additional pages
Incoming faxes are charged .15c per page.
Have your documents laminated! Lamination fees vary per size of the document. Fees begin at .50c/library card size and up. Poster size begins at $2.00 and up.
New for 2013, bring your discs (CD/DVD/Gaming discs) in for cleaning. First come, first served. Fee is $1.00/disc.