The Library will not accept standing reservations.
Library functions will take precedence over all other usages.
Children’s groups are permitted use of the room provided that they are supervised by one or more adult sponsors per 15 children AT ALL TIMES.
When adults using the meeting room are accompanied by their children, those children should have adult supervision other than library personnel AT ALL TIMES.
When permission is given to use the meeting room, it does not in any way constitute an endorsement of the group’s policies, beliefs, or activities.
The meeting rooms are not available for any meetings of religious or sectarian groups for the purpose of promoting or advancing the beliefs of their members.
The meeting rooms are not available for any meetings or public announcements sponsored by individual candidates for local, state, or federal office.
Individuals or groups wishing to conduct fund-raising activities for the community or other purposes must receive prior permission from the Library Director.
No activity shall be permitted which shall in any manner be potentially or directly destructive to library property or potentially or directly disruptive to the function of the library.
Alcoholic beverages are prohibited.
Smoking is prohibited.
The Library Director is authorized to deny permission for use of the meeting room to any group that is disorderly or violates these regulations.
Individuals or groups reserving the meeting room may not charge an admission fee.
The Library assumes no liability for any loss or damage arising from the use of the meeting room by the applicant, affiliated group members or guests.
A limited number of tables and chairs are available for use in the meeting room. No kitchen facilities are available at this time.
The Library reserves the right to cancel reservations for the meeting rooms at any time. Every effort will be made to give as much notice as possible to the individual listed on the reservation form.
The Library will charge a $10.00/hour fee for any after-hours access to the LIBRARY, 217 S. Main St., Fairmount, due to security reasons.
This fee will personally pay the Director for working beyond her/his allotted work day schedule.
This fee will apply to non-profit and for-profit groups wishing to use the LIBRARY.
Arrangements to use the LIBRARY after hours must be completed at least one week ahead of the meeting room use date.
Payment will be expected at the completion of the meeting, made out to the person, not the Library.
A reservation form must be filled out in advance of the proposed meeting date. This may be completed at the LIBRARY, 217 S. Main St.
Damages or utility issues should be reported promptly by calling the LIBRARY phone line (765) 948-3177 to leave a message, complete with the caller’s name and telephone number; or come into the LIBRARY the day after the meeting and discuss the issue(s) in person with the Library Director.
Reported damages will be assessed by the Library Director and Board members to determine if they are minor in scope, in need of professional assessment and if the group was at fault for the damages.
Damage charges will be billed to the person who signed the reservation form. Notification of the damage and charges will be given to user within three working days.
Compensation for damages at replacement cost, labor cost, or both must be made within 30 days. The full amount must be paid before another request will be granted for the affiliated group.
Reservations are made on a first come, first serve basis.
Tentative phone reservations may be made, but will not be considered definite until the reservation form and correct deposit fee are turned into the Circulation desk.
The Library should be notified of cancellation a week in advance or in inclement weather, 24 hours, if possible. Failure to contact the Library about the cancellation will result in the deposit not being returned and will be taken as a Library donation.
Non-profit groups will take precedence over for-profit groups.
If additional chairs are needed by the group, they must inform the Library Director upon turning the reservation in so that a notation may be made.
It is the responsibility of the group to return any and all tables and chairs to their original location.